Parc Mont St Bruno was forced to close the cross country ski trails for 2 weeks after the rain on New Year's day and the several days of mild temperatures above zero which followed. So, on Jan.15th, Lynda convinced us to go to parc Mont Orford where snow conditions were much better. Katherine had a chance to try out her new skis and her friend, Catherine, came out as well for her very first time ever. Altogether, we were, Suzel, Lynda, Katherine, Catherine and Dan. When we arrived at the park entrance, the parking pit was full, and we were told that we could not enter the park as the ski trails were full. So, we parked at the Centre D'Art (the next entrance down the road) and entered the park illegally through the woods. As it turns out, there must have been at least another dozen cars who did exactly the same thing. So, we didn't feel too guilty about it. Conditions were very good and we all had a great time. And the trails were not over-crowded at all as the entrance guard had told us. Finally, it snowed again that very day!