Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Autumn Bag Count Begins: Count = 2

OK, so it's not exactly Fall yet, but some of the perennials are showing signs of giving up. So, I'm getting ahead start and clipped the Day Lilies down in the driveway flowerbeds. That, along with a small amount of weeds plucked from between the flag stones along the side path, yielded two bags full. And so the Autumn bag count begins for 2010.

Family Doctor

Every day of the last week of August, when I was at the clinic with Jerome for the change of his dressing, I stopped into the office of the lady who's responsible for the making the schedule of the new doctor. I wanted to know when the schedule would be ready...she said Spetember 1st (that's not a Monday which is the day on which she had previously said she made her schedules). So each day I poked my head in her office, to get her to confirm "Mercredi prochain?"..."Oui", she'd reply. So, early Wednesday morning, Michele and I showed up at her office and managed to get an appointment for the entie family. Yeah!! Jerome and I will be up first on September 14th.