Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Tribute to Brigitte DePape - Canadian Democracy (part 2)

Further to my post on May 3rd, it is only appropriate that I should pay tribute to Brigitte DePape for her bold act of bravery yesterday in the House of Commons.  A recent university graduate, she sacrificed her new job as House page for an opportunity to express her frustration with the ruling federal Conservative government.  Apparently, she had, cleverly, smuggled her stop sign into the House by hiding it inside her skirt.  Not only was she escorted out of the House of Commons, she was also fired immediately.  At least there is (was) one person in the House who was not mesmerized by the Emperor's New Clothes.  One can only hope that the opposition party will follow suit by asking for a vote of non-confidence when the budget is delievered on Monday.  Such a vote would, obviously, not survive against a majority government, but it would ring the bell to awken the House from it's current state of somnambulism.

Friday, June 3, 2011

31 is a prime number

Michele ordered "6" plastic clips and a slender rail for a sliding door in our laundry cupboard.  So, when I went to the local hardware store on my bicycle today to pick it up, I was rather surprised at how large the package was.  Fortunately, my single bungee cord was sufficient to secure it safely to the back on my bike.  When I got home, and opened the package, I found "31" plastic clips with "6" mounting screws.  No matter how you cut it, 31 is a prime number and is, therefore, not divisible by "6".  So, the only conclusion which I can draw is that someone in the packageing department at Reno-Depot made an inadvertant arithmetical error.  Considering that I only needed 2 clips to fix the door, I'll bring the extra 25clips back to the store so that someone doesn't get into trouble.